Dojo Etiquette
Bow on entering and leaving the Dojo.
Address any teaching instructor as “Sensei”, any senior grade as “Sempai”
Say “OSS” upon receiving any advice or command from the instructor
Say “OSS” when bowing at the start or finish of the class
Say “OSS” when bowing to your partner in kumite
Train at your designated lesson and at least TWICE a week
Keep fingers and toe nails clean and short
Keep your “Gi” clean, ironed and in good condition
Ask your instructor or higher grades for advice
Show respect to each others
Tell your instructor before the lesson if you have a injury
Tell your instructor before the class if you must leave early
Learn the Dojo Code/Dojo Kun
Leave the class without your instructor’s permission
Arrive late for training (if you do, warm up outside then kneel at the front of the Dojo, wait to be asked to enter then bow and join the class)
Wear any jewellery in the Dojo (rings which won’t come off must be covered with tape)
Wear make up or nail varnish inside the Dojo
Use offensive language or behaviour in the Dojo
Use your Karate skills outside of the Dojo (except for self defence or the defence of other within the law)
Wear your Belt outside on the street